HC Deb 02 August 1923 vol 167 c1685
2. Mr. BROAD

asked the Minister of Pensions whether he will arrange that, in cases of appeal to the appeal tribunal where the appellant is too ill to attend and a domiciliary visit is necessary, at least one week's notice of the visit shall be given, so that the appellant may have the opportunity of arranging for a friend to be present to submit arguments in support of the appeal?

Colonel GIBBS (Treasurer of the Household)

Rule No. 31 of the Statutory Rules and Orders governing the procedure of the pensions appeal tribunals provides that when, owing to illness, an appellant is unable to attend before the tribunal, and a member of the tribunal visits him and takes down the evidence, reasonable notice of the visit shall be given. In practice one week's notice of the intended visit is given not only to the appellant but to the area officer of the Ministry of Pensions, and, where the appellant is an inmate of an institution, the medical superintendent of the institution.