§ 75. Mr. D. G. SOMERVILLEasked the Minister of Health if he will inquire from the different boards of guardians throughout, the country how many disabled men they have afforded shelter and relief to during the last six months; and how many such men were receiving such assistance on 21st April, 1923?
Mr. CHAMBERLAINI assume that my hon. Friend refers to disabled ex-service men. I doubt whether it is practicable to obtain information on the lines suggested and of any value on this subject, but I will consider the matter further and communicate with my hon. Friend.
§ 76. Mr. LANSBURYasked the Minister of Health if he has received a communication from the Poplar Board of Guardians calling his attention to the fact that the Ministry of Pensions has transferred five ex-service disabled men to the charge of the Poor Law guardians of that union, and protesting against this treatment of ex-service men and the transference of the State's obligations to the shoulders of the local authorities; and what does he propose to do in order to assist the ratepayers of the Poplar Union in this matter?
Mr. CHAMBERLAINI do not appear to have received the communication to which the hon. Member refers. When it reaches me, I will give it my attention. In the meantime, I am unable to express any opinion on the matter.