HC Deb 25 April 1923 vol 163 c449

asked the Minister of Labour if he is aware that some Unemployment Exchanges are declining to grant out-of-work pay to young men over the age of 21 years and compelling parents of 60 years of age and over to maintain these adult sons; and whether this is in accordance with the Regulations?


Uncovenanted benefit is only payable if, in the opinion of the Minister, payment is expedient in the public interest. It is the rule that such benefit shall not be paid to single persons living with relatives who can reasonably be expected to support them. Each case is dealt with on its merits by the local committee, who are directed not to refuse benefit on this ground if the refusal would cause real hardship. I should add that, as I promised during the Debate on the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1923, I am considering whether in present circumstances this and other rules ought to be modified in any way—and I hope to deal with this point to-morrow in the discussion on the Estimates.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that in one case a man of 60 who is a joiner and carpenter has been called upon to maintain two sons of 25 and 30?


I was not aware, but I hope in the discussion which will arise to-morrow that sort of point may be dealt with.