HC Deb 25 April 1923 vol 163 cc457-8
51. Colonel WEDGWOOD

asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware that the visit of an English bishop to Bucharest in January for the purpose of promoting the suggested union between the Anglican and Eastern Churches was regarded by Rumanian opinion as an attempt by His Majesty's Government to influence political and economic conditions in Eastern Europe; that a number of protests were published; and Whether His Majesty's Government have given any support or approval to the efforts of English ecclesiastics for the union of the Anglican and Rumanian Churches?


I understand that the Bishop of Gibraltar, in the exercise of his diocesan duties, visited certain Balkan States in the autumn of last year, and that some ill-informed and mischievous comments have since been made on the visit in one or two Rumanian newspapers, alleging the existence of a plan for a union between the Anglican and the Orthodox Churches. The idea that the Bishop was acting in any way whatever on behalf of His Majesty's Government, or that the latter attempted through him to exercise influence of any sort in Eastern Europe, is not only untrue, but is too absurd to have imposed upon any persons not wholly ignorant both of the Anglican Church and of the methods of the British Government.


Does the diocese of the Bishop of Gibraltar extend as far as the Balkan States? [HON. MEMBERS: "Yes."]


Is it not a fact that the Anglican Church does not, and never has interfered in any shape or form in international politics?


Is it not desirable that when these events give rise to such unfounded rumours as have been spreading through Rumania recently, that they should be expressly denied by His Majesty's Government?


Certainly, and I am grateful to the hon. and gallant Member for giving me an opportunity to do so.

Lieut. - Commander KENWORTHY

Are we to understand that there is no connection between His Majesty's Foreign Office and the Anglican Church?