HC Deb 23 April 1923 vol 163 cc20-1
29. Major WARING

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he can state, respectively, the number of Ambassadors and Ministers Plenipotentiary representing the British Crown abroad in 1913 and 1922, and the number of persons employed at, and the total cost of maintaining, the British embassies and legations in the former and latter year?


With the hon. Member's permission, I will circulate the answer in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the answer:

The number of Ambassadors and Ministers are as follows:

Ambassadors 9
Ministers 29
Ambassadors 9
Ministers 31
The total number of persons employed in the financial year 1913–14 was 162, and in 1922–23, 276.

The expenditure borne on the Diplomatic and Consular Vote in the year 1913–14 was £260,411, and in the year 1922–23, £539,442.

This expenditure does not include the upkeep of embassy and legation houses which is borne on the Vote for Diplomatic and Consular buildings for which the Office of Works is responsible, or stationery supplies, the cost of which is borne on the Stationery Office Vote.

With regard to the increase in the cost of the Diplomatic Service in the financial year 1922–23 as compared with 1913–14, I would point out that, quite apart from the additional expenditure due to the worldwide increase in cost of living, wages, travelling, etc., the "property qualifica- tion for the Diplomatic Service was abolished in 1919, and an attempt has been lade to pay all ranks of the Service on a basis calculated to enable persons without private means to enter the Service.