§ 20. Captain SIDNEY HERBERTasked the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been called to the notices posted by his Department at Robin Hood's Bay and the vicinity forbidding the removal of sand, stone and shingle without the written consent of the Marine Department of the Board of Trade in London; if he is aware that these materials are essential in an outlying district to farmers for the upkeep of 1856 roads and repair of farmsteads and to the local building trade; and if he will take immediate steps for the removal of unnecessary restrictions which give rise to great local resentment and affect a privilege which has been enjoyed for the last 50 years?
§ Viscount WOLMERReports were recently received from the Board's local officers that the removal of materials from the foreshore below high water mark in Robin Hood's Bay was likely to cause erosion of the coast. As the foreshore is Crown property under the management of the Board of Trade, whose consent was therefore necessary to the removals, the notices to which my hon. and gallant Friend refers were issued. In view of the representations made, I propose to instruct one of my professional officers to inspect the locality at an early date, confer with the local interests concerned, and make, a report to me on the subject.
§ Mr. R. RICHARDSONIs the Noble Lord aware of the great amount of coast erosion that has taken place, because of the removal of sand and shingle from the beach?
§ Viscount WOLMERIt is for that reason that the Board of Trade has to be very careful in the matter.