HC Deb 16 April 1923 vol 162 c1670

asked the Undersecretary to the Scottish Board of Health if he is aware that certain education authorities in Scotland have had difficulty in obtaining a water supply for certain of their schools; and that the procedure to allow them to get the same, laid down by the Education (Scotland) Act, 1S18, Section 11 (3), is both cumbersome and costly; and will he consider the simplification of procedure to obtain the necessary water supply for schools?

Captain ELLIOT (Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Health, Scotland)

The only case involving water supply which has come under the notice of the Scottish Education Department recently was settled by agreement. On the information before him, my Noble Friend is not prepared to promote fresh legislation until he has had further experience of the procedure laid down in the Education ("Scotland) Act, 1918.


Is it not a fact that the County of Berwickshire Education Authority have had very great difficulty in getting a supply of water for some of their schools, and that it has been a, costly procedure, due to the fact that landlordism has kept them from supplying water?

Captain ELLIOT

There is only one ease which has come under the notice of the Department, and that case was settled by agreement. It does not, therefore, appear that landlordism has been responsible for holding up the water supply of these schools.


Of course, that is the answer of a landlord.