HC Deb 16 April 1923 vol 162 c1666
42. Major Viscount SANDON

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department if he can give a list of the places where his Department have been in the past but fire no longer represented; how much this retrenchment save the Treasury directly: and, in view of the cost entailed upon the country indirectly through not bring so represented, whether he is prepared to regard the recreation of these posts, as the first call, when any further funds are made available for his Department?

Lieut.-Colonel BUCKLEY

Posts in the Commercial Diplomatic or Trade Commissioner Services have been closed at the following places:

  • Bogota.
  • Havana.
  • Lisbon.
  • Santiago.
  • Sofia.
  • Hong Kong.
  • Lima.
  • Montevideo.
  • Singapore.
  • Teheran.
In addition the junior officer has been withdrawn from the following posts:

  • Buenos Aires.
  • Brussels.
  • Madrid.
  • Rio de Janeiro.
  • Washington.
The annual cost of maintaining these posts was, approximately, £31,000. As regards the last part of the question, I can assure my Noble Friend that I am fully alive to the importance of strengthening our commercial representation abroad as soon as the financial position permits, and at places where British interests will most benefit.


Would it not strengthen the financial position to re-create these offices?