§ Sir SAMUEL ROBERTS further reported from the Committee; That they had added the following Eleven Members to Standing Committee B (in respect of the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries Bill): Mr. Adams, Sir James Bruton, Colonel Spender-Clay, Mr. Grattan Doyle, Mr. Hinds, Lieut.-Commander Kenworthy, Mr. Peto, Mr. Potts, Mr. Richards, Sir Robert Sanders, and Mr. Sutcliffe.
§ Sir SAMUEL ROBERTS further reported from the Committee; That they had added the following Fifteen Members to Standing Committee B (in respect of the Special Constables Bill): Lord Apsley, Commander Bellairs, Mr Bowdler, Mr. Bridge-man, Lieut.-Commander Burney, Mr. Hugh Butler, Major Lloyd George, Mr. Grenfell, Mr. Hayes, Mr. Godfrey Locker-Lampson, Sir James Remnant, Mr. Ritson, Mr. Snell, Mr. Solicitor-General, and Mr. Wright.