HC Deb 12 April 1923 vol 162 cc1283-4
21. Mr. BARKER

asked the Minister of Pensions if he has seen the resolution passed by the guardians of the Newport (Mon.) Union on 24th March, 1923, condemning the recent action of the Ministry of Pensions in deciding to transfer to pauper lunatic asylums ex-service men whose condition is alleged not to be due to or worsened by the War; and will he see that these men are properly cared for and maintained by the State?


My attention has been drawn to this resolution. I have nothing to add to the answer which I gave to the hon. Member for Bow and Bromley and the hon. Member for West Bromwich on the 15th February, of which I am sending the hon. Member a copy.


Will the right hon. Gentleman say "Yes" or "No" to the last part of the question?


I have already given the answer. It. is quite definite. The answer is "No."


asked the Minister of Pensions whether he has received a complaint from the Stockton Board of Guardians that the Ministry of Pensions has refused to recognise Herbert Johnson Elgie, a patient in the Durham County Asylum, as a Service patient: is he aware that previous to enlistment I his man had not been an inmate of an asylum or mentally affected; will he reconsider the case in order that the already heavily burdened guardians may be relieved of the cost of maintenance; and will he give the name of the doctor who passed this man as fit for service?


After careful consideration of all the circumstances my medical advisers were unable to regard this man's unfortunate mental condition as being in any way related to his few days' service at the depot. As I have already stated. I am not prepared to agree that my Department should continue to accept responsibility for ex-service men whose disabilities are not connected with their War service. I regret I have not the information asked for in the last part of the question.


Can the right hon. Gentleman tell me the name of the doctor or doctors who passed this man, and further ought not the question to be that if he is fit for service he is fit for pension?


The reason why I have not given the information as to the, name of the doctor is because I have not the name. The man was not examined by my Department.


Cannot you get the name?


We have not been able to get the information. On the second point, when a man like this is enlisted and he is found almost at once not to be fit, it would not be right to put him upon the same footing as the man who has been wounded or who has been clearly disabled.


In what category was this man passed for the Army?


Perhaps the hon. Member will put down that question.