HC Deb 09 April 1923 vol 162 cc862-4
24. Captain BOWYER

asked the Minister of Labour how many firms and local authorities, respectively, are on the King's Roll; what number of disabled ex-service men are thus employed can he say how many disabled ex-service men are unemployed and seeking employment; and will he state whether, and to what degree, the King's Roll is functioning better?


This matter has been under the consideration of the recently constituted King's Roll National Council. Renewals of the original undertakings have been sought from firms on the Roll; and out of approximately 30,000 employers (of whom 1,226 are local authorities), originally on the Roll, 20,817 (including 797 local authorities) have renewed their undertaking, and probably about another 3,500 will renew in due course. In addition, new enrolments at the rate of 60 to 70 per week are being received. The present number of disabled ex-service men employed by employers on the Roll is estimated at nearly 300,000. I have every reason to hope that as the local King's Roll committees develop their activities the rate of new enrolments will increase. The number of disabled men registered at the Employment Exchanges on the 26th March is estimated to be not more than 50,000, but, as the hon. and gallant Member is aware, Local King's Roll committees are examining the register of disabled ex-service men in the various localities in order to arrive at complete figures.

Captain BOWYER

Is there any prospect of these local committees being set up in the counties?


They have been set up, as my hon. and gallant Friend is aware, in the boroughs, and I believe it is hoped to extend them after working in the boroughs has become satisfactorily established.


Has any recent list been published of the firms which are on the King's Roll, and is the right hon. Gentleman not conscious of the fact that the publication of this list is a very great encouragement to those who are doing good, and a very great warning to those who are not?


I appreciate what my hon. Friend says, but the King's Roll National Council are giving close attention to that very proposal, and in due course further action will be taken.

Captain Viscount CURZON

Is the right hon. Gentleman yet in a position to state what local authorities are not, so far, on the King's Roll?


Is it not the fact that certain local authorities find considerable difficulty in differentiating as to who is doing useful work on behalf of the services, particularly in towns with a large population, engaged, say, in manufacturing?


There is a difficulty. I have been asked this question a good many times, and there are, as I have already said, genuine difficulties about it. But the matter is now being considered by the King's Roll National Council, and I shall take into consideration, when they arrive at a decision, what advice they may offer me in the matter.

Viscount CURZON

Is there any more difficulty in the case of local authorities than in the case of private firms?