HC Deb 30 November 1922 vol 159 cc876-7

asked the Minister of Pensions if he is aware that Corporal T. Wardrop, No. 13,241, Black Watch Highlanders, now residing at 11, Anderson Street, Bonnybridge, voluntarily joined the Army in 1914; was passed Al; contracted malaria in Mesopotamia: was discharged as physically unfit for service from Craigleith Hospital, Edinburgh; is now suffering from lung trouble, officially admitted to have been aggravated by his War service, and has produced certificates from local doctors proving that he never suffered from lung trouble prior to his joining the Army; that he is now incapable of following his trade as an iron-moulder; has a wife and four children dependent upon him; is now in impoverished circumstances; has applied for work at motoring or repairs which he understands; will he state why no reply has been sent to his applications; and why a pension has been refused him?


I have not been able to trace any application regarding this case as having been received in the Ministry during the present year. The pensionable disability was asthma, compensation in respect of which was in payment so long as the effects of service remained.