HC Deb 29 November 1922 vol 159 cc708-9

During the course of yesterday's proceedings I lost my temper. It is the only thing I have got to lose. During that time I used certain language which, I believe, is considered unparliamentary. It is dockers' language, and as I happen to represent a constituency in the East End of London largely inhabited by casual labourers, I thought I was using the language they would use to express themselves under the circumstances, on the domestic situation then existing. But if I have offended against the rules of the House, I beg leave to withdraw the remarks I made, and to express my regret. Possibly in future- I may have opportunities of using more Parliamentary language in similar circumstances.


I am sure that the House will gladly accept the words of the hon. Member for Silvertown. No one would regret it more than I if I were forced to take stronger measures than I had to adopt yesterday.


I desire, Mr. Speaker, to ask leave to move the Adjournment of the House on a definite matter of urgent public importance.


We have got past that point.