HC Deb 28 November 1922 vol 159 cc491-3

asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that men retired from the police force and pensioned off prior to the War at a comparatively low rate, rejoined the police forces during the late War and served several years, and have received no pension or allowance after retirement in respect of the War period service; and, if so, will

The SECRETARY of STATE for the HOME DEPARTMENT (Mr. Bridgeman)

Particulars were not collected for the years 1915, 1916, and 1917, but as regards the other years I am sending to the hon. Member, and will circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT, a table giving the figures for England and Wales and distinguishing the verdicts of felo de se from the other verdicts. No further analysis of the verdicts is possible, but an analysis of the methods of suicides will be found in the Annual Reports of the Registrar-General. Inquiries as to suicides in Scotland should be addressed to the representative of the Scottish Office.

Following is the table promised:

he take into consideration such cases with a view of granting a pension to cover the additional service rendered by such men, and/or increase the pre-War pension commensurate with the increased cost of living?


I am aware that numerous pensioners obtained temporary re-engagements in the police; while so serving they continued to draw their pensions in addition to their pay as temporary constables, and in such cases there is no power to increase the pensions except in accordance with the provisions of the Pensions (Increase) Act, 1920.


Is it not a fact that the pay of these men who rejoined, while they were serving during the War, did not equal the pay of other men who were serving in the force? Can the right hon. Gentleman sec his way to look into this whole question to see if he cannot remedy this very obvious injustice?


I do not mind looking into the question, but my hon. Friend will realise that I cannot answer the first part of his supplementary question, as I have been only a very short time in my present office.