HC Deb 22 June 1922 vol 155 c1472
3. Mr. R. YOUNG

asked the Minister of Pensions whether he is aware that the appeal to the Pensions Appeal Tribunal of A. Harrison, No. 3/MH/7444, was allowed on 26th April, 1922; whether the decision re payment of pension dates from and includes the amount due on 14th December, 1921; whether he is aware that from that date to 18th May he should have received £52 6s., of which Rd£10 7s. 6d. was paid; how much of the arrears has now been paid; and will he hasten the payment of any balance due to enable this pensioner to enter a convalescent home on 23rd June, as without payment such arrangement may have to be cancelled?


In order to ascertain the exact position of this man's account, it has been necessary to make inquiries from his local committee. On receipt of their reply, I will at once communicate with my hon. Friend. I may say that the man is at present receiving treatment at home, with allowances, and will be admitted to a convalescent hospital this week.