HC Deb 15 June 1922 vol 155 cc511-2
2. Mr. SPOOR

asked the Minister of Pensions why the wife of pensioner W. Tedder, of the Royal Fusiliers, at present in Ewell Ministry of Pensions Hospital, has been ordered to remove her husband at once from the hospital and threatened with the deduction of half her husband's pension if he is removed to her own care and not sent to a. lunatic asylum in accordance with the wish of the Pensions Ministry?


This man's disability has unhappily developed for the worse in such a way that he can no longer be suitably treated at Ewell Hospital. His wife has been informed that if she is unwilling to consent to his removal to an asylum (which, I am advised, is now the best course in the man's own interests), he can be discharged to her care. There is no question of reduction of pension because of refusal of treatment, and I am informed that no suggestion of that nature has been made.


Has not this woman been informed by the Ministry representatives that, if she has him in her own home the pension will be halved?


I inquired this morning, and can get no information to verify that statement. The case is one of great difficulty. If my hon. Friend will come and see me later, I shall be glad to discuss the matter with him.