HC Deb 27 July 1922 vol 157 cc689-91

May I ask the Leader of the House if he will state the business with which it is intended to conclude the sittings next week, and also how far it is intended to take the business to-night?


I will take tonight first. We hope to take the Report stage of Ways and Means (26th July), Post Office (Parcels) Bill, and Railway and Canal Commission (Consents) Bill, and the Third Reading of this latter Bill; Expiring Laws Bill, Second Reading. It is important to get these Bills, for the first two, which originated here, have not yet been to another place, and, as time is getting on, they should get there as soon as possible.

To-morrow (Friday) we propose to take the Allotments Bill [Lords], Report stage, then the Committee stage of the Expiring Laws Bill. If any question arises on that Bill, I think it must be on the Committee stage, so I think we can dispose of the Second Reading to night. Then we shall also take the Education Scotland (Superannuation) Bill, Report stage; and, if there be time before 4 o'clock, other Orders on the Paper. In order, however, to make sure of getting the three Orders I have mentioned and to clear the Order Paper, I propose to move the suspension of the Four o'Clock Rule—that is, for these three Bills.

On Monday, the first Order will be the discussion on the Order to he made under the Safeguarding of Industries Act, and after that, further stages of Bills on the Paper.

Tuesday, the first business will be the Motion to be proposed with regard to the hon. Member for South Hackney (Mr. Bottomley): then further stages of Bills and Lords Amendments.

Wednesday and Thursday, Appropriation Bill; Second and Third Readings.

Friday, Lords Amendments to Bills, and the Motion for the Adjournment.

Captain W. BENN

I wish to raise a point of Order. As you are aware, Mr. Speaker, a Resolution is to be moved by the Government on Monday in reference to the Safeguarding of industries Act under an Order made under Part II of that Act. I observe that that Motion appears for the first time on the Paper to-day, and there also appears on the same Paper an Amendment to that Motion standing in the names of three hon. Members of this House. What I wish to ask is how it came about that an Amendment got on the Paper before the publication of the Motion to hon. Members? Are we entitled to go to the Table of the House, and inspect Motions which are put down. I should also like to know whether that Amendment will receive precedence over any other Amendments?


Any hon. Member is entitled to inquire at the Table whether a Motion has been handed in, and to put down Amendments to it. When the matter comes up for discussion the Chair is entirely free to call upon any Amendment not necessarily those which were handed in first.


Are we to understand that we are entitled to a reply if such a question is put?

