HC Deb 24 July 1922 vol 157 c7
20. Mr. BRIANT

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he can give any information as to the number of new industries or new factories, or additional employment in the various industries in the trades concerned with the production of the 6,300 commodities specified in the Board of Trade list of articles dutiable under the Safeguarding of Industries Act?


It is not possible to make any detailed statement on this subject at present, and in view of the fact that the Act has been in operation for less than 10 months, and of the general trade conditions which have prevailed during that period, any such statement, even if possible, would be liable to be misinterpreted. But marked developments have taken place in the range of production of the branches of the chemical industry covered by the last heading of the Schedule to the Act, which account for the greater number of the items in the list issued there under, and distinct progress is being made also in respect of scientific glassware and optical and scientific instruments. I should add that there is no doubt that in a number of cases the Act has encouraged manufacturers to keep in operation works which would otherwise have been shut down.


May I ask whether, in point of fact, a large number of people have been kept in employment by the operation of this part of the Act?


I have no doubt about that.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that one newly-established glass factory will be under the necessity of discharging a number of its employés because they cannot obtain a rebate on the glass tubes they import for the purpose of manufacturing bottles?


I am not aware of that.


I will furnish the right hon. Genteman with particulars.