HC Deb 19 July 1922 vol 156 c2171

If any teacher who, immediately before he became subject to the principal Act, was subject to the provisions of the Elementary School Teachers (Superannuation) Act, 1898, or the Elementary School Teachers (Superannuation) Act, 1912, or any pension scheme, and who in consequence of the principal Act ceased to be subject to those provisions, proves to the satisfaction of the Board that he is in a worse position by reason of the foregoing Sections of this Act than that in which he would have been under the said provisions or the pension scheme, as the case may be, the Board shall at such time and in such manner as shall seem just to them, award to him such compensation as shall in their opinion be sufficient to compensate him for the difference in his position.

The Board shall, for the purposes of this Section, act on the advice of the Government Actuary.

Amendment made: Leave out the words "the advice of the Government Actuary," and insert instead thereof the words a report from the Government Actuary who shall before making such report be required to consider any representations made by or on behalf of the teacher concerned, and a copy of such report shall he communicated to the teacher if he so desires."—[Major Gray.']