HC Deb 19 July 1922 vol 156 c2079
70. Lieut.-Colonel POWNALL

asked the Secretary for Scotland what action has been taken with regard to the discontinuance suggested by the Geddes Committee of the item of £7,000 a year for port sanitation, and the reduction of members on the Scottish Board of Health?


In view of the fact that the port sanitation services are in large measure national services, in the efficient maintenance of which the whole nation is interested, it was decided to make provision in the Estimates for the current year of the Scottish Board of Health for the sum referred to as representing a fair contribution from the State towards the cost of these services at Scottish ports. As regards the last part of the question, I would refer my hon. and gallant Friend to Section 23 of the Economy (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill, from which he will see that it is proposed to effect the reduction of members recommended by the Geddes Committee.

Lieut.-Colonel POWNALL

Is it not possible to effect a reduction without waiting for the Bill in question to become law?


No, certainly not, because these members were appointed by Statute, and another Statute is required to modify it.


Has not the population of Scotland increased, and why should the medical officers be decreased?


A full explanation of all the circumstances was given when the Bill was before the House.