§ 9. Mr. C. WHITEasked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that seven-inch British-made aluminium hollow-ware saucepans, for which the rice last year was 22s. per dozen, are now being sold at 15s., and that other aluminium hollow-ware articles have also been substantially reduced in price, while at the same time the cost of German aluminium ware has been largely in creased; and under these new circumstances, whether he will consider the desirability of a review of the evidence given before the Committee for dealing with the application for imposing a duty upon imported hollow-ware?
§ Mr. BALDWINThe answer to both parts of the question is in the negative. I should be interested to see specimens of the particular articles mentioned by the hon. Member which are being regularly sold at the price named.
§ 12. Sir T. BRAMSDONasked the President of the Board of Trade if he is aware that a representative of the firm of Sellman and Hill, of Wolverhampton, gave evidence before a Committee, 1693 appointed by the Board of Trade to consider the imposing of a duty under the Safeguarding of Industries Act upon imported hollow-ware, stating that his works had been compelled to close down; and if so, will be state what steps were taken to verify the correctness of this statement, seeing that work is being carried on?
§ Mr. BALDWINI am aware of the statement in question. I do not know if any special steps were taken by the Committee to verify it, but I see no reason for doubting the accuracy at the time of the statement, which I would remind the hon. Member was made in public.
§ 20. Mr. HOGGEasked the President of the Board of Trade the amount of aluminium hollow-ware imported during the first six months of this year from Switzerland; and whether this importation from Switzerland will be increased owing to the imposition of a duty on German hollow-ware?
§ Mr. BALDWINThe imports of aluminium domestic hollow-ware into the United Kingdom, consigned from Switzerland, registered during the first six months of this year amounted to 25 tons. As regards the second part, I cannot offer any prophecy.
§ 22. Mr. KENYONasked the President of the Board of Trade what proportion of the enamelled hollow-ware imported from Germany during the year 1921 was imported from Upper Silesia, which has now been ceded to Poland?
§ Mr. BALDWINI regret that I am unable to give this information.