HC Deb 06 July 1922 vol 156 cc552-3
6. Mr. HALLS

asked the Minister of Pensions whether he can state, in the ease of ex-Private J. Penny, 35, Spring-wood Yard, Ramsbottom, who is suffering from valvular disease of the heart, due to service in the Army, which prevents him from working, why his pension has been reduced from £2 per week to 16s. per week; and, seeing that as this man has himself, a wife, and two children to keep it means either actual starvation or going to the Poor Law Guardians for additional help, will he have inquiries made?


The award of pension at the rate of 16s. a week is in accordance with the degree of disablement assessed by the Medical Board which examined this man last month. If he is dissatisfied with this assessment he has a right of appeal to a Medical Appeal Board.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that since this question was put down the man has had a further hear- ing, and has now had his pension reduced to 30 per cent., or 12s. 6d.? In view of the fact that the man cannot work, is not that a reason for further inquiry into the case?


I am most anxious and willing to make any further inquiries suggested by my hon. Friend. I did not know that he had been reexamined since the question was put down. I will look into the matter again.