HC Deb 05 July 1922 vol 156 cc373-4

asked the Prime Minister whether His Majesty's Government has yet fixed a date for the ratification of the Treaties negotiated at the Washington Conference or a date for the introduction of the Bill to enable the Government to carry out their obligations under the Treaties; whether the House will be given an opportunity of discussing the Treaties prior to ratification; whether the House will be given an opportunity before ratification of discussing the unfulfilled declaration of Japan respecting her military occupation of Russian territory; and whether, before either ratification or the introduction of the Bill, friendly representations will be made to Japan to carry out completely the pledges not only respecting the mainland of Siberia but also Russian Sakhalin?


As regards the first two parts of the question, it is hoped to take the Bill which has come down from another place on Friday or Monday next. In this connection I would refer the hon. Member to the answer given by my right hon. Friend the Leader of the House on the 22nd May last. With reference to the third part of the question, the Japanese Government has given an official assurance that they will evacuate the Maritime Province by the end of October. The answer to the last part of the question is in the negative.


Is it not a fact that Sakhalin was taken by the Russians from the Japanese, and was formerly Japanese territory?


I am afraid I cannot answer that question without notice.