HC Deb 14 December 1922 vol 159 c3110
10. Lieut.-Colonel Sir J. NORTON-GRIFFITHS

asked the Minister of Pensions if he will make inquiries into the case of Captain John H. Rogers, D.C.M., late Lancashire Fusiliers, of 19, Swaby Road, Karlsfield, Wandsworth, who has been informed by the Ministry of Pensions that his retired disability pay of £41 6s., composed partly of service and partly of disability payments, will not be paid to him until June, 1923, and will then be subject to deductions leaving him £8 2s. 1d. in debt to the State?


I am looking into this case and will communicate with my hon. and gallant Friend.

Lieut-Colonel POWNALL

Was it not usual in the last Parliament that these cases referring to specific individuals were dealt with as a general rule as unstarred questions; and, in view of the fact that we have nearly 200 questions on the Paper, would it not be better if we followed that rule in future?


It was not a rule in the last Parliament, but it was the custom of hon. Members to put unstarred questions where they could properly do so.


Out of 2,000 cases I have only put down two as starred questions.