HC Deb 14 December 1922 vol 159 c3140

asked the Prime Minister the total amount already paid up to date by Germany, either in cash or in kind, towards reparations; and the total paid by Germany to the Allies in respect of the Armies of Occupation in cash and cost of supplies or building accommodation for troops?


With the hon. Member's permission, I will circulate a statement in reply to this question.

Following in the statement promised:

The following is an estimate of the payments made by Germany under the heads referred to by my hon. Friend as at 31st October, 1922, the latest date for which information is available. Firstly, in respect of the costs of British, French and Belgian Armies of Occupation, 2,670 million gold marks. Secondly, in respect of reparation, 5,063 million gold marks. The first item includes the value of paper marks requisitioned by the British, French and Belgian Armies of Occupation amounting as at the date in question to a sum of approximately 448 million gold marks, but does not include the cost of buildings, billets and other supplies furnished free of charge to the Armies of Occupation under the Versailles Agreement of 28th June, 1919. These supplies are furnished directly by the German Government and I am not in a position to give any authoritative estimate of their value.

The second item includes estimates of the value of various categories of deliveries in kind and of State property ceded by the German Government which have not yet been finally settled by the Reparation Commission, and to this extent must be regarded as provisional. The costs of the American Army of Occupation are not included in the foregoing statement, as the method for the recovery of and accounting for these costs has not yet been settled.