In the case of every Bill brought from the House of Lords in which provisions have been inserted in that House, empowering the Promoters thereof, being a Company already constituted by Act of Parliament, to execute, undertake, or contribute towards any work other than that for which it was originally established, or to sell or lease their undertaking, or any part thereof, or to enter into any agreements with any other Company for the working, maintenance, management, or use of the Railway or works of either Company, or any part thereof, or to amalgamate their undertaking, or any part thereof, with any other undertaking, or to purchase any other undertaking, or part thereof, or any additional lands, or to abandon their undertaking, or any part thereof, or to dissolve the said Company, or in which any such provisions originally contained in the Bill have been materially altered in that House, or in which any such powers are conferred on any Company not being the Promoters of the Bill, the Examiner shall report as to compliance or non-compliance with the following Order:
The Bill, as introduced or proposed to be introduced into this House, shall be submitted to the proprietors of any such Company, at a meeting held specially for that purpose.
Such meeting shall be called by advertisement inserted once in each of two consecutive weeks in some one and the same newspaper published in London, Edinburgh or Dublin, as the ease may be, and in ….
§ Amendments made: After the word "London," insert the word "or."
§ Leave out the words "or Dublin."