HC Deb 13 December 1922 vol 159 c2898

Whenever during the progress through the House of Lords of any Bill of the Second Class originating in that House, any alteration has been made in any work authorised by such Bill, proof shall be given before the Examiners that a Plan and Section of such alteration, on the same scale and containing the same particulars as the original plan and Section, together with a Book of Reference thereto, has been deposited in the Private Bill Office, and with the Clerk of the Peace of every County, Riding or Division in England or Ireland, and in the office of the Sheriff Clerk in every County in Scotland in which such alteration is proposed to be made, and, when any County in Scotland is for Sheriff Court purposes divided into districts, then also in the office of the Principal Sheriff Clerk in and for each district in which such alteration is proposed to be made, and that a copy of such Plan and Section, so far as relates to any of the areas mentioned in Standing Order 29, together with a Book of Reference thereto, has been deposited with the officers respectively mentioned in that Order, as the case may be, Two weeks previously to the introduction of the Bill into this House; and that the intention to make such alteration has been published previously to the introduction of the Bill into this House once in the London Edinburgh, or Dublin Gazette, as the case may be, and for Two successive weeks in some one and the same newspaper of the County in which such alteration is situate; and that application in writing, as nearly as may be in the form set forth in the Appendix, marked (a), was made to the Owners or reputed Owners, Lessees or reputed Lessees, or in their absence from the United Kingdom, to their Agents respectively, and to the Occupiers of Lands through which any such alteration is intended to be made; and the consent of such Owners or reputed Owners, Lessees or reputed Lessees, and Occupiers, to the making of such alteration, shall be proved before the Examiner. Compliance with this Order shall not be necessary in the case of alterations made on Petition for Additional Provision in the House of Lords.

Amendments made: Leave out the words "or Ireland" ["Riding or Division in England or Ireland"].

After the word "London" ["London, Edinburgh or Dublin Gazette"] insert the word "or."

Leave out the words "or Dublin."