§ 68. Mr. NICHOLasked the Chancellor of the Exchequer the various total sums paid by the Treasury up to the present as repayments of Excess Profits Duty, coal awards, or similar repayments of moneys originally raised as taxes or duties?
§ Mr. BALDWINThe repayments of Excess Profits Duty (including Munitions Levy) from the inception of the duty down to the 30th ultimo amount to £167,950,000. These figures include repayments on account, of deficiencies, adjustments of overcharges, etc., as well as losses in respect of trading stocks in hand at the end of the final accounting period. Payments to the coal industry under the Coal Mines Control Agreement (Confirmation) Act and the Coal Mines Emergency Acts, together with the Wages Subvention voted by Parliament, amount to about £41,000,000.
§ Mr. NICHOLDoes this explain the initiative in many of the industrial stoppages that have taken place?
§ Mr. BALDWINI do not quite see the connection.