HC Deb 03 August 1922 vol 157 cc1639-40

Where the work is to be made, wholly or in part, by means of funds, or out of money to he raised upon the credit of present surplus revenue, belonging to any society or company, or under the control of Directors, Trustees, or Commissioners, as the case may be, of any existing public work, such parties being the promoters of the Bill, a declaration stating those facts, and setting forth the nature of such control, and the nature and amount of such funds or surplus revenue, and showing the actual surplus of such finds or revenue, after deducting the funds required for purposes authorised by any Act or Acts of Parliament, and also the funds which may be required for any other work to be executed under any Bill in the same Session, and given under the common seal of the society or company, or under the hand of some authorised office of such directors, trustees, or commissioners, may be deposited, and in such case no deposit of money shall be required in respect of so much of the estimate of expense as shall be provided for by such surplus funds.

Ordered, "That the Standing Order be repealecl"—[The Chairman of Ways ad Means.]