HC Deb 03 August 1922 vol 157 cc1638-9

On or before the 15th day of December immediately preceding the application for a Bill, whereby it is proposed to abstract water from any stream for the purpose of supplying and cut, canal, reservoir, aqueduct, navigation, or waterwork, notice in writing of such Bill shall be given to the owners or reputed owners, lessees or reputed lessees, and occupiers of all mills and manufactories or other works using the waters of such stream for a distance of 20 miles below the point at which such water is intended to be abstracted, such distance to be measured a long the course of such stream, unless Hue]) waters shall, within a less distance than 20 miles, fall into or unite with any navigable stream, and then only to the owners or reputed owners, lessees or reputed lessees, and occupiers of such mills and manufactories, or other works as afore-aid, shall be situate between the point at which such water is proposed to he abstracted, and the point at which such water shall fall into or unite with such navigable stream; and such notice shall state the name (if any) by which the stream is known at the point at which such water shall be immediately abstracted, and also the parish in which such point is situate, and the time and place of deposit of plans, sections, and books of reference and copies of the "Gazette" notice respectively with the clerks of the peace.

Amendment made: Leave out the words "and Copies of the 'Gazette' Notice, respectively."—[The Chairman of Ways and Means.]