HC Deb 03 August 1922 vol 157 c1659
26. Sir J. BUTCHER

asked the Prime Minister whether the Reparations Commission have had their attention drawn to Annex II, 12 (b), of the Treaty of Versailles, which provides that the Commission shall examine the German system of taxation, first to the end that sums for reparation which Germany is required to pay shall become a charge on all her revenues prior to that for the discharge or service of any domestic loan, and secondly so as to satisfy itself that in general the German system of taxation is fully as heavy, proportionately, as that of any of the Powers represented on the Commission; what, if any, is the result of the examination of the Commission into these two points; and whether the Supreme Council will insist on the immediate observance of this Clause of the Treaty?


The matters referred to in the first part of the question are continually engaging the attention of the Reparation Commission. In reply to the second and third parts of the question, I would ask the hon. Member to await the statement that will be made during the Debate on the Appropriation Bill.


asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether the taxes in the part of Germany occupied by the British forces are collected by the German authorities or by the British; and whether the money collected by either is applied in reduction of the cost of the Army of Occupation?


The taxes are collected by the German authorities. The answer to the second part of the question is in the negative.