HC Deb 03 August 1922 vol 157 cc1867-8

(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act every officer and servant— (b) who shall have attained the age of sixty years and have completed service as aforesaid of forty years; or

(3) Where an officer or servant has attained the age of sixty-five years lie shall cease to hold his office or employment: Provided that the local authority may with the consent of the officer or servant by resolution extend the period of service or employment of any such officer or servant for one year or any less period and so from time to time as they may deem expedient: Provided also that no contribution shall be made by the local authority or by any officer or servant to the superannuation fund in respect of any service for any part of any period of service under any such extension, and any such period shall be disregarded in calculating any superannuation allowance out of the superannuation fund.

Lords Amendments:

In Sub-section (1, b) After the word "completed" insert the words "forty years." Leave out "as aforesaid of forty years.

In Sub-section (3): Leave out service for any part of any period of service under any such extension and insert "such extended period."

After the word "such" ["and any such period"] insert the word "extended."

Agreed to.