HC Deb 03 August 1922 vol 157 cc1876-7

This Act shall apply in the case of a clerk of the peace or deputy clerk of the peace, and to any person in the whole-time employment of a clerk of the peace for the purposes of his office, as though such clerk, deputy clerk, or person were in the service of the county council.

Provided that—

  1. (a) any clerk-of the peace holding office upon the appointed day shall be entitled by notice in writing to the county council within six months from the appointed clay to elect to continue to hold taco upon the same terms as lie held immediately before the appointed day; and
  2. (b) the county council mar, in designating any person employed as aforesaid by a cleric of the peace, make such conditions with regard to increases of salary after the appointed day and the date of retirement of such persons as they may think fit.

Lords Amendments:

Leave out the word "whole-time" ["whole-time employment of a clerk"] and insert the word "permanent."

Leave out the words "his office" and insert "any office held by him as such clerk."

In paragraph (a), after the word "day" ["before the appointed day"], insert and this Act shall not apply to any such Clerk of the Peace who has given such notice.

At the end of the Clause insert a new Sub-section: (2) Save as otherwise expressly provided in Section six of this Act, nothing in this Act shall affect the tenure of office of any Clerk of the Peace to whom this Act applies.

Agreed to.