§ If this Act be adopted by a local authority having an existing superannuation fund or scheme in operation, such local authority shall prepare a scheme for substituting for such superannuation fund or scheme a superannuation fund under the provisions of this Act and providing for (among other things) the application, transfer, or disposal of any then existing funds, securities, or policies of insurance or the, proceeds thereof, and for adequately protecting the rights and interests of the various parties interested in such existing superannuation fund or scheme.
§ A scheme under this Section shall be submitted by the local authority to the Minister of Health for his approval, and this Act shall not become operative in the case of such local authority until such scheme, with or without modification, shall have been approved by the Minister of Health.
§ Lords Amendments:
Leave out the words "an existing superannuation fund or scheme" and insert
any superannuation scheme or other scheme for ensuring benefits to an officer or servant on retirement.
§ Leave out the words "fund or" ["fund or scheme a superannuation fund under the provisions"]
§ After the word "fund" ["a superannuation fund under the provisions"], insert "or scheme."
1876§ After the word "Act," insert "with such modifications and adaptations as may be required."
§ Leave out the words "existing superannuation fund or" ["such existing superannuation fund or"], and insert "first mentioned."
§ Leave out the words "of Health" ["Minister of Health for"]
§ Leave out the words "of Health" ["approved by the Minister of Health"].
§ Agreed to.