§ This Act shall not apply to a local authority unless and until—
- (a) it shall have been adopted by such local authority by a resolution passed by a majority consisting of not less than two-thirds of the members of such local authority, present and voting at a meeting called for the purpose of which a month's previous notice shall be given to each member of such local authority, together with an estimate certified by an actuary of the cost to the local authority of adopting this Act; and such resolution shall also have been confirmed by such local authority at a regular meeting held not less than one month after the passing of such resolution:
- (b) such resolution shall have been approved of by the Minister of Health.
Lords Amendments:
At the end of paragraph (a) insert the word "and".
In paragraph (b) leave out the word "of" ["approved of by"].
§ Leave out the words "of Health."
§ Agreed to.