HC Deb 02 August 1922 vol 157 cc1565-6

If at any time after three years from the passing of this Act or (as respects any district outside the borough with respect to which an Order has been made in pursuance of this Section) after three years from the date of such Order it is represented in writing to the Minister of Transport (a) by the local authority of any district outside the borough in which any part of the corporation tramways is situate or (b) by the corporation that under the circumstances then existing all or ally of the fares or other charges demanded and taken, should (i) in the case of a representation by any such local authority as aforesaid be revised as respects so much of the corporation tramways as is situate within the district of that authority and (ii) in the case of a representation by the corporation be revised as respects all or any part of the corporation tramways with respect to which an Order has been made in pursuance of this Section, the Minister of Transport may (if he thinks fit) direct an inquiry by a referee to be appointed by him in accordance with the provisions of "the Ministry of Transport Act, 1919," and if the referee reports that it has been proved to his satisfaction that or any of the fares or charges should be revised, the Minister may, subject to the maximum fares and charges for the time being authorised by order in writing, alter, modify, reduce or increase all or any of the fares or charges to be taken in respect of any such portion of the corporation tramways as aforesaid, and thenceforth such Order shall be observed until the same is revoked or modified by an Order of the Minister of Transport made in pursuance of this Section. Provided that such fares and charges shall not by any such Order be reduced below the maximum fares and charges authorised immediately before the passing of this Act.

Brought up, read the First and Second time, and added to the Bill.