HC Deb 02 August 1922 vol 157 cc1430-1

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty if he is aware of the case of Chief-gunner Slight, who was specially recommended for gallant conduct under exceptional circumstances, on His Majesty's steamship "Malaya," at Jutland, and who has been passed over for promotion to lieutenant and has received no British honour, though he has received foreign decorations; and if he can say why this officer's great and distinguished services have met with such inadequate reward while comrades of his who were standing by ashore have been promoted?


Mr. Slight was among those officers recommended for commendation for their services in the Battle of Jutland, but was not recommended for early promotion. His name, as one of those recommended for commendation, duly appeared in the "London Gazette" of the 15th September, 1916. In the circumstances, his name was not considered for special promotion, and he had not reached his turn for promotion in the ordinary way when placed on the retired list, at his own request, in May last. It is incorrect, therefore, to say that he was passed over for promotion. The action taken in this case, and in that of other officers, was in accordance with the recommendations of the Commander-in-Chief at the time, and the Admiralty, while fully recognising the gallant services rendered by this officer, regret that it is now impossible to re-open the matter.