27. Sir F. HALLasked the Minister of Labour what was the amount of the unemployment allowances paid out during the five months ended 31st May, 1921; what part of such sum was met out of the Unemployment Insurance Fund and what amount was charged to the national Exchequer; what was the amount standing to the credit of the account on the 31st December last; what is the balance now remaining in the unemployment fund?
§ Dr. MACNAMARAFor the period of five months ended 31st May, 1921, the amount of unemployment benefit paid under the Unemployment Insurance Acts was approximately £22,000,000; the whole of this was paid out of the Unemployment Fund, the contribution to which out of the Exchequer in respect of the period referred to was about £1,500,000. For the same period the amount of out-of-work donation paid, which has now fallen to £7,000 a week, was about £3,940,000; the whole of this amount was paid out of the Exchequer. The balance of the Unemployment Fund was about £23,750,000 on 31st December last and is now approximately £7,250,000.
28. Mr. T. THOMSONasked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that in some, if not all, districts a considerable number of employers are not taking adequate steps to see that their workers are insured under the Unemployment Act of last year, thus involving loss of revenue to the insurance fund; and what means he is taking to secure the payment of contributions on account of every employé in all insured trades?
§ Dr. MACNAMARAI am not aware that any considerable number of employers are evading their responsibilities under the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1920. I will, of course, take steps to ensure compliance with the Acts in any case brought to my notice.
§ Dr. MACNAMARAThe total number of insured persons is roughly about 12,000,000.
30. Mr. MacCALLUM SCOTTasked the Minister of Labour by what proportion the contributions of the workmen and the employer would require to be increased in order to maintain unemployment insurance benefits at their existing rate?
§ Dr. MACNAMARAIn order to maintain the Unemployment Insurance Benefit at the existing rates and to secure that the Unemployment Fund should be solvent again at July, 1923, the total contributions to be paid weekly by employers and workmen until that date should be 1s. 7d. for men (employer 10d., workman 9d.) with proportionate rates for women and juveniles, and a State contribution of one-fourth of the contributions of employers and workmen together, namely, 4¾d. This assumes no extension of the 16 weeks' benefit allowed in the special periods for which provision is made in the Act of 1921.
§ Dr. MACNAMARAThat will be shown in the Bill, the Second Reading of which is to be taken this afternoon. If we did what my hon. Friend suggests it would be 1s. 7d.
§ 31. Sir T. ROBINSONasked the Minister of Labour what, for the last financial year, was the total cost of the administration of Unemployment Insurance; and what was the total amount paid in unemployment benefit?
§ Dr. MACNAMARAThe total amount paid in unemployment benefit in the last financial year was £10,466,000. I may remind my hon. Friend that in addition to this amount out-of-work donation was paid during the last financial year to the extent of £11,658,000, making a total of £22,124,000. The cost of administration of Unemployment Insurance for that period cannot yet be stated, as the accounts and apportionments have not been completed.