HC Deb 04 May 1920 vol 128 cc1880-2

The daily rates set out above will be applicable in the case of the following classes of soldiers:—

  1. (a) re-engaged men;
  2. (b) men re-enlisted to complete a term of service which, with former service, makes a total of at least 21 years; and
  3. (c) men who have had the above periods of continuous colour service although they may not have re-engaged.

Only unforfeited colour service will reckon, and a minimum of 14 years' colour and reserve service (of which at least 10 shall be colour service) will be required.

The War Office will add the usual additions for rank according to the new service scale.

II.Scale of service allowance in addition to disablement pension in attributable or aggravated cases.

The disability pension will be paid in full, and in addition the following service allowance will be paid to those men who come within the above-mentioned categories:

Weekly rate recommended. Old rates for comparison.
Army. Navy.
s. d. s. d. s. d.
Over 10 years 7 0 3 6
Over 14 years 8 0 4 8 3 6
Over 15 years 8 0 4 11½ 4 8
Over 16 years 9 0 5 3 4 8
Over 17 years 9 0 5 4 8
Over 18 years 10 0 5 10 5 3
Over 19 years 10 0 6 5 5 3
Over 20 years 11 0 7 0 5 3
Over 21 years 11 0 5 3
(Navy only.)

The Admiralty and War Office will make the usual additions for rank, etc., as in the new service scale.

III. Attributable or aggravated cases where no permanent disablement pension has been awarded.

  1. (a) In cases of temporay disablement the service allowances set out on II. above will be paid in addition to disablement pension. When the disability is ended and the disablement pension ceases the man will revert to the rate set out in I The conditions of entitlement will be those set out above.
  2. (b) Men with an attributable disability of less than 20 per cent. will receive service allowance under I., together with a gratuity under the Pensions Warrant based on disablement alone.

Colonel ASHLEY

Will the hon. Gentleman state generally whether the revision increases the pensions or not?


The statement is a lengthy one, but I am glad to be in a position to inform my hon. and gallant Friend that a considerable improvement has been made. For instance— Scale of service allowance in addition to disablement pension in attributable or aggravated cases the disability pension will be paid in full, and, in addition, the following service allowance will be made to those men who come within the above-mentioned categories. I will quote one example. A man will get his full disability pension, and, in addition, if he has over ten years' service he will get a weekly rate in addition of 7s., which compares with the old rate in the Army of nothing and in the Navy of 3s. 6d.


Are we to understand that the Navy will get the disability pension plus the 22 years' pension?


The 22 years' case does not arise under this question which refers to cases of men under.


May I ask if the question of granting extra pensions to men who suffered disability which did not actually happen in the African War or in the present War?


That does not arise out of the question, but as the House has been informed more than once, the matter is being considered by a Cabinet Committee which hopes to report very shortly.