HC Deb 03 May 1920 vol 128 cc1696-7
36. Viscount CURZON

asked the Prime Minister whether details of the provisional allocation of ex-German warships can now be given?

The FINANCIAL SECRETARY to the ADMIRALTY (Colonel Sir James Craig)

I have been asked to reply to this question. The allocation so far decided on is as follows:—

  • To Great Britain. — " Baden," "Heligoland," "Posen," "Rheinland," "Westfalen," "Nurnberg," 124 submarines.
  • To France.—"Thurlingen," "Emden," 38 submarines.
  • To Japan.—"Oldenburg," "Nassau," "Augsburg."
  • To United States.—"Ostfriesland," "Frankfurt.'
  • To Italy.—Seven submarines.
In addition, Great Britain takes the ships sunk at Scapa Flow as part of her share, namely:
  • 10 Battleships,
  • 5 Battle-cruisers,
  • 5 Light Cruisers,
  • 33 Destroyers.
The allocation of the remaining 12 light cruisers, 59 destroyers and 50 torpedo boats depends on the selections made by France and Italy from the ships to be surrendered under the Austrian Treaty.

Viscount CURZON

Have any destroyers been provisionally allocated to us so far, or not?


If my Noble Friend will kindly put down any supplementary question on the Paper it will be dealt with.


Will the hon. Gentleman say what is to become of these ships? Are they to be broken up or will they remain as a menace to other Powers to go on building against us?


That is rather a matter of policy, and I am only replying to the main question on behalf of the First Lord.

Viscount CURZON

Is it not a fact that these ships are going to make very good targets?

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