HC Deb 03 May 1920 vol 128 cc1855-6

Considered in Committee.

[Sir E. CORNWALL in the Chair.]

Motion made, and Question proposed, That it is expedient to make further provision, out of moneys to be provided by Parliament, of the expenses incurred under the Profiteering Acts, 1919, as amended by any Act of the present Session, to amend and extend the duration of those Acts to an amount not exceeding one hundred and twenty thousand pounds."—[Mr. Baldwin.]

Captain W. BENN

Are we not to be told even the amount of money involved?


The amount is £120,000. It is to be divided between the expenses of the Central Committee and the expenses of the staff. From the time when the Act came into force, I think in August of last year, up to March, it was estimated that £75,000 would be required. Nothing like that sum was spent. I think only £16,000 was spent during the period. The expense has somewhat increased, and on the basis of the March expenses it is calculated that the total amount would be only about £40,000. But it has to be remembered that there have been no legal expenses up to now, and if we were involved in any important legal action we should very likely have to spend a very much larger sum. Therefore, we have provided a larger sum than would be justified by the cost up to March, in order that we may be able to meet, if necessary, the cost of any action in the course of the next year.

Resolution to be reported To-morrow.