HC Deb 03 May 1920 vol 128 cc1684-5
42. Sir F. HALL

asked the Prime Minister whether arrangements have been made for the Permanent Executive Committee of the Supreme Economic Council to meet the Soviet delegation at Copenhagen to discuss the steps necessary to develop trade relations between Russia and the Allied countries; if the Government have waived their objections to the inclusion of Herr Finkenstein-Litvinoff in the delegation; if the Executive Committee will have power to commit the Allies to any proposals that may be discussed, or whether such proposals will be referred back to the respective Governments for confirmation; and whether such precautions will be taken to prevent any supplies being arranged to Russia which will assist the Soviet Government in its aggressive enterprises against Poland and other adjacent Governments.


The Supreme Council have authorised the Permanent Committee of the Supreme Economic Council to discuss the resumption of trade with Russia with a Soviet Delegation. The answer to the second part of the question is in the negative. Questions of importance will, of course, be referred by the members of the Permanent Committee to their respective Governments. The answer to the last part of the question is in the affirmative.


Is it a fact that the Russian delegates at Copenhagen have retired altogether from the conference?


I hope that is not so.

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

Does this mean that we have given up the idea of making further attacks on Russia, when we open these negotiations?


I do not see that that arises.

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

It is arising now.