HC Deb 24 March 1920 vol 127 c418

asked the President of the Board of Trade how many civilians and how many ex-service clerks, respectively, were employed by the Board of Trade as clerks in Dublin during the period December, 1914, to November, 1918; whether he is aware that John Dunnen, a civilian of military age, was employed by the Timber Supply Department, 6, Hume Street, Dublin, whilst ex-service clerks were available at the Ministry of Labour, Dublin; whether he is aware that, in accordance with the Government's recommendations, all Government Department in Dublin other than the Board of Trade are replacing civilians by ex-service clerks now available at the Ministry of Labour, Dublin; and whether the Board of Trade proposes to adopt the same course?


During the period December, 1914, to November, 1918, the Board of Trade engaged in Dublin 20 temporary male clerks (including one ex-service man) and 45 temporary women clerks, typists, and shorthand typists. In addition they borrowed ten railway officials. Mr. Dunnen was engaged on 2nd July, 1917, and ceased to be employed on 28th February, 1920, when the office in which he had been employed was closed. This office employed 18 of the 20 temporary clerks engaged during the period referred to by the hon. Member. As I informed the hon. Member on 4th March, the Board have not omitted to give preference to the employment of ex-soldiers in Dublin, and of the six men engaged since the end of 1918, five are ex-service men.