HC Deb 18 March 1920 vol 126 c2354
12. Captain REDMOND

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he is aware of the inquiry at present being made into bank accounts in Ireland; whether he is aware of the resentment expressed by the whole commercial community at this inquiry; whether he will state by what legal power and at whose instance such an innovation has been introduced; whether this course is a breach of confidence between bankers and their customers and is strongly objected to by both; and whether he has considered the effect that such a precedent would have upon the future of banking both in Great Britain and Ireland?


An inquiry is being held by a Resident Magistrate under Section 1 of the Criminal Law and Procedure (Ireland) Act, 1887, as a result of certain seizures in Dublin in the Sinn Fein Bank. Inquiries have been frequently held under this Section. I am not aware that resentment has been expressed by the commercial community, and I do not apprehend that the future of banking will be in any way affected.