HC Deb 17 March 1920 vol 126 cc2179-80
14. Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty how many trawlers and drifters are employed with His Majesty's Fleet on services other than mine-sweeping; how many are employed on mine-sweeping; how many are awaiting disposal; how many trawlers and drifters have been disposed of since the Armistice with Germany; and how many of these were disposed of to ex-Service men or to Royal Naval Reservists?


The answer is a long and detailed one. I will, if I may, therefore circulate it with the OFFICIAL REPORT. Presuming that my hon. and gallant Friend needs the information in anticipation of the Debate on Navy Estimates which opens at 7.15 this evening, I am sending him a copy forthwith.

The following is the statement referred to:—

As regards the first part of the question,

are at present employed with His Majesty's Fleet on services other than mine-sweeping.

As regards the second part, 20 Admiralty trawlers are now employed on mine-sweeping. No drifters or chartered vessels are so employed.

As regards the third part, 58 Admiralty trawlers are at present awaiting disposal.

Fifty-seven chartered trawlers are in process of reconditioning for return to owners.

As already stated in my reply of 27th October to the hon. Member for Banff, 200 Admiralty trawlers are allocated to the Trawling Society for ex-Service Fishermen which is in course of formation.

There are also 48 Trawlers lying in Canadian waters which have not yet been sold.

All surplus Admiralty drifters, approximately 150 vessels, are now being transferred to the Fishery Boards to be disposed of on terms of deferred payment to ex-Service and Royal Naval Reserve men.

One hundred and forty-three chartered drifters are in process of reconditioning for return to owners.

There are also 77 drifters in Canadian waters which have not yet been sold.

As regards the fourth part, 182 Admiralty trawlers have been sold and 1,084 chartered trawlers returned to owners since the Armistice.

Forty Admiralty drifters have been sold and 1,180 chartered drifters returned to owners since the Armistice.

As regards the last part of the question, the purchasers of at least 22 trawlers and 6 drifters are known to have served in H.M. Forces. This figure of course does not include the ex-Service men to whom the 150 Admiralty drifters will be sold through the Fishery Boards, nor does it include a number of other cases where groups partially composed of ex-Service men have purchased Admiralty vessels.