HC Deb 17 March 1920 vol 126 cc2184-5

asked the Secretary to the Admiralty whether several young ex-Service men were engaged at Rosyth naval base at definite weekly wages, plus bonuses, mutually agreed upon, and after working several weeks they were sent for, informed that as they were not 21 years of age they were not entitled to the 12½ per cent. bonus, and were compelled to return th excess; and, if so, whether he will state the reason for this treatment?


A report has been obtained on the subject of my hon. Friend's question. It appears that four ex-Service men were recently engaged. As they were not 21 years of age, the 12½ per cent. bonus was not payable to them, but through inadvertence the bonus was paid for several weeks. On the mistake being discovered, arrangements were made for the recovery of the overpayments by easy instalments. The payment of the 12½ per cent. bonus was not part of the specific terms of employment, but a report has been called for from the Yard, with the object of considering whether the circumstances are such as to make recovery of the over-payment inequitable.


Is my right hon. Friend aware that I have the united testimony of these four men that the 12½ per cent. bonus was promised? Even if It had not been promised, now that it has been paid, does he not think it is very paltry on the part of the Admiralty to call for a return of this ss. extra per week? No private firm would pursue such a policy; and does not the right hon. Gentleman think that the only value of this incident is to show the Labour party in this House what labour can suffer when under State control?


I will not go into the broad question, but I may say that the 12½ per cent. bonus, under the Ministry of Munitions Scheme, was not payable to men under 21. If, however, anyone in authority inadvertently promised these men the 12½ per cent., although recovery is being made, it shall be repaid them.


asked the Secretary to the Admiralty whether he has received a petition from the male writers at Rosyth asking for increased pay; and whether his Department has yet arrived at a decision on the question?


A petition for increased pay has been received from the temporary writers at H.M. Dockyard, Rosyth, but a separate decision cannot be arrived at as regards Rosyth pending a decision on the application by the Civil Service Union for increased pay generally for temporary writers in all the dockyards and naval establishments. This latter application is under consideration.