HC Deb 17 March 1920 vol 126 c2188

asked the Minister of Labour what decision has been arrived at relative to the case of Mr. Wright, a discharged soldier, reference number 80,011/L6, who has made application for assistance from the Civil Liabilities Department, Savoy Place; whether he can now give his promised reply; and whether he is aware that the applicant has notice to leave his present home by 11th March next and has nowhere to go unless his application is granted?


I find upon further inquiry that Mr. Wright has already received a course of training at the public expense. He would not, however, be eligible for assistance in starting business on his own account unless the local War Pensions Committee, under whom he had entered upon training, had undertaken that he should have it, and the Committee were to certify that, owing to special conditions, it is not practical for Mr. Wright to obtain employment in the occupation for which he has been trained. The local War Pensions Committee have now stated that no such undertaking was given.

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