HC Deb 16 March 1920 vol 126 cc2008-9
38. Mr. W. SHAW

asked the Secretary for Scotland the approximate acreage of land purchased by the Government for the settlement of ex-soldiers in the Counties of Perth, Forfar and Kincardine; the number of holdings which it is proposed to establish in the respective counties; the number of applicants for holdings; and the number of applicants already settled?


The area of the properties purchased by the Board in the three counties referred to is approximately 3,480 acres. On these properties it is proposed to establish 87 small holdings, of which 34, 30 and 23, respectively, are in Perth, Forfar and Kincardine. The number of applicants for small holdings in these counties is 389, of whom 36 have already been settled on the properties referred to and 32 have been settled on lands secured under the procedure of the Small Landholders (Scotland) Acts.

35 Major M. WOOD

asked the Secretary for Scotland on what principle the Scottish Board of Agriculture propose to fix the rents for ex-service men who receive holdings under the Land Settlement (Scotland) Act, 1919; and whether care will be taken that rents are fixed, not on a basis of the total costs which the Board may incur in purchasing the land and converting it into small holdings, but by consideration of what the tenants can reasonably be expected to pay if they are to make a living?


The Board are required by the Statute to let the holdings at a rent which in their opinion is reasonable. They take into account the value of the land, buildings and fences and fix the rents on the basis laid down by the Statute. The Board are satisfied that the rents as fixed by them will not prejudice the holder's chances of making a satisfactory living.

Lieut.-Colonel MURRAY

Will these rents be subject to review by the court?


I will consider that. I am not quite certain.