HC Deb 15 March 1920 vol 126 c1770
2. Major BARNES

asked the President of the Board of Trade if, in view of the high prices which are now being paid for gas coke and foundry coke for export, he will inform the House of the total export of coke during February; the average price per ton; the average amount of coal required to produce 1 ton of coke; and the average price of such coal per ton to the producer of coke?


During February 80,320 tons of gas coke and 149,914 tons of coke of other sorts were exported, and the average value per ton f.o.b. was £4 13s. 9d. for gas coke and £5 0s. 6d for other sorts of coke. The average amount of coal required to produce 1 ton of coke is not precisely known, but it is usually assumed that 5 tons of coal are consumed for every three tons of coke made. The average price of coal used either for coke or gas making in this country cannot be stated.