HC Deb 11 March 1920 vol 126 c1525
57. Lieutenant - Colonel CLAUDE LOWTHER

asked the Prime Minister whether it is the intention of the Government to take immediate and specific steps to lower the present inflated price of food; and whether he can state what officials are responsible for the congested state of British ports, entailing waste, delay, and in many cases decay of the prime necessities of life?


The Government will take all possible steps to effect a reduction in the cost of living, but there is, unfortunately, no short cut to lower food prices. There is, however, some satisfaction to be gained by the knowledge that food prices in the United Kingdom are lower than those in other European countries. As regards the second part of my hon. and gallant Friend's question, I can add nothing to the reply which I gave to a Private Notice question by the hon. Member for Barnard Castle on Thursday last.

Lieut.-Colonel LOWTHER

Is it not a fact that the, enormously inflated food prices are due in a great degree to the inaction of the Government?


That suggestion has not the remotest relation to the facts.

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